Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do you WANT IT? Then, PROVE IT!

Dr. Harriott's Comments:

Dr. Regina Benjamin is currently the Attorney General of the United States. She just announced a new initiative called, "Exercise is Medicine". Nice try Dr. Benjamin, but the problem is that we want people to exercise MORE and take Medicine LESS, right? In what universe can you then say that they can be seen similarly? And how are they similar?

Is everyone ready for the answer? - pause - pause pause.....

The answer is that the powers that be want us to continue to see Medicine as Healthy. This is a transparent effort to shift the population to a healthy lifestyle (because medicine is making our society sicker) while shizophrenically hoping that we will retain our faith in Medicine as a reasonable approach to health.  Pardon my stating the obvious here -

Medicine is NOT HEALTHY..., no, not by a long shot.

Medicine is about sickness, pathology, pain, weakness, inability to function well enough to heal from or prevent illness or injury, or about just being overcome by a traumatic injury or an invading organism your immune system was unable to repel. In adverse functional states like this, at this level of  a loss of health... this is when you might reach for medication to give yourself a helping hand. But ultimately, it is still up to you and your body to restore your health, because I guarantee you,  medicine will NOT create or restore health.

At best, medicine gives your body a temporary "unfair advantage". In most cases, it gives you a crutch so you don't have to heal if you aren't willing to make the changes necessary.  At it's worst, medicine will KILL you.

You see, that "advantage" that medicine gives a person comes at a cost in other aspects of our physiology.  The costs vary from medicine to medicine, disease to disease, person to person, heck, even day to day......   Sometimes the costs are reasonable, sometimes they are not. Most of the time, we can't predict. But this is our health care business...This is our system... Convince the population that you will be there for them, so live your life without worry or concern.  Then, once the person gets sick, he's all alone now. The health team players all dance and behave as though the King Medicine actually is wearing the most amazing clothes and that if you can't see it, well, clearly the problem is with you.

Too late, too sick, too unhealthy, too far gone,...

too bad     :(

Exercise, Good Nutrition, Positive Mental Attitude, a good hug once in a while, a regular adjustment... That is  HEALTH, my friends!!!!!

So, Ms. Attorney General, Dr. Regina Benjamin... let's just leave medicine where it belongs, in the hospitals, the pharmacies and the MD's offices. Please don't associate Medicine with anything healthy because it is confusing.  Dump the "Medicine is Health" program name.  Rename the campaign to something like

Exercise the Health Out of Yourself!!!

or how about a slogan like...

Health IS Exercise
Do you Really Want Health?
Then Prove It....

  • Exercise Daily
  • Eat well... lots of veggies, less meat, smaller portion sizes on maximum 9 inch plate
  • Get enough sleep
  • Get adjusted regularly.  A chiropractic adjustment helps to re-boot your awareness of your physical status, your position in space, and allows your brain to re-evaluate it's functional strategies toward emotional stress, movement, posture, healing, gravity, and physical limitations.
  • Have fun... do this well and often.
Dr. Harriott

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