Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back Pain, Tylenol and the AARP

Well, the AARP almost got it right in their recent article about low back pain. 

They just missed it by thaaaaat much. Yes, we have a lot of back pain here in the U.S.  And yes, it can become symptomatic with some unforeseen simple maneuver that on any other day would be no problem but for some reason, on that day, at that moment, "Aaaagh!"

In the end, the author concludes that he doesn't feel like he has learned the trick to avoid back pain, but that he knows how to treat it when it does occur.  

It doesn't surprise me when I look at the expert they consulted: a Physical Therapist.  Of course the PT suggests Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories (NSAIDS) and Exercise.  What else does she have? "I have a hammer, so you are a nail."   

I am not intending to slam PT's,  but come on now!  The story gives only passing mention to the significant role of obesity and stress and then fails to address how these can effectively be minimized.  Meanwhile, the whole article remains entirely mechanistic but describes our spine as a stack of pancakes. This analogy while useless in understanding the spine, does say a lot about why we find ourselves in this predicament, doesn't it?

And the PT would have you heating your back to soothe muscles after 3 days. Along with some more anti-inflammatories, I would imagine.  Interesting approach, but wrong. It is well understood that the acute inflammatory response lasts from 3 to 5 days.  But 3 days after an acute injury is just too early to consider applying heat to a new low back injury. If you want to soothe muscles, try a hot epsom bath and then ice after so that the tissues cool again before you go to bed. This will keep the temp well below that which could exacerbate the local swelling while still having the muscle relaxation effect you are looking for.  Then the ice will prevent any increase in inflammation that does result from continuing through the night.  This would be a wiser approach to deal with the acute SYMPTOMS.

But I have a better idea... Let's try a Chiropractic approach which deals with what your body does right while helping you to heal yourself, and do so more completely and more quickly and more permanently... We'll rely on your natural healing mechanisms to recover while we restore and maintain normal joint function and mobility with a low force adjustive technique.  And while we are working to restore function, we will manage pain and inflammation with natural pain relievers that don't increase your risk of stroke or gastric bleeds or liver damage or any of the other problems that NSAIDS are known to cause.

By the way, while we are speaking of NSAIDS, did anyone else see the coverage regarding Tylenol (Acetominophen) in the news yesterday? Apparently, people aren't aware that taking an extra Tylenol here and there can lead to severe liver damage.  Ha!  This is old news that I've been telling my patients for years. And yet so many people rely on daily NSAIDS to manage arthritis pain.  You want a natural alternative that is effective but won't kill you?  Check this out:

Anyway, I got off track with the anti-inflammatories because I was pointing out that the real answer to avoiding back pain is to avoid avoiding pain altogether.  Pain is not your enemy.  We need to stop fleeing disease and start pursuing health instead. Health is all there is.  There is no disease, just a loss of health.  And Americans continue to throw it away, day by day, Motrin by Motrin until there is no health left.

At some point, you know, deep in your heart that the Tylenol and the Motrin won't work any more. Is that when you are going to start pursuing health?  Just so you know, this is what I do.  Chiropractors don't "crack backs". Chiropractors teach you how to modify your lifestyle so that it is congruent with a long, productive and healthy lifetime. And with every specific chiropractic adjustment, your chiropractor allows your body to refresh and renew its own  strategy for dealing with the daily physical, chemical and emotional attack that comprises our existence.

If you don't have a chiropractor, you should go find one right now and try Chiropractic and reclaim your health.  Health is real and it is something you can do something with. But you can't escape disease. Your fear is real, but the Boogie Man isn't really there.  

Occasionally I'll hear someone say that he is afraid to see a chiropractor because then he will have to see the chiropractor for the rest of his life...  and I have to chuckle. I say, "No, you got it all wrong. You'll be running from doctor to medicine to surgical procedure to avoid dreaded disfunction, disease and death for the rest of your life. Or, you will enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care in your aggressive pursuit of the best of  your life." You will always have that choice.

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