Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mission Viejo Chiropractor Offers More for Less

In Mission Viejo, Dr. Ed Harriott operates Mission Viejo Chiropractic (the practice relocated from the adjacent city of Aliso Viejo and changed the name accordingly from Aliso Viejo Chiropractic to Mission Viejo Chiropractic) and Alliance Diagnostics.  Mission Viejo Chiropractic is a great resource for many area residents for chiropractic care, massage, motor vehicle injury rehab,  nutritional support and with the addition of Alliance Diagnostics, Dr. Harriott can now offer pre-employment physical exams, Commercial Driver's License physical exams and pain-free DNA testing for paternity, heredity, or child safety records.

Chiropractic is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle and any attempt to get or stay healthy will get a tremendous boost by having a licensed chiropractor on your health team.  Let's face it, maintaining optimal function requires purposeful effort and occasional guidance - both on tap in a competent chiropractor's office.

What sets Dr. Harriott apart is his professional focus on leveraging communications technologies in such as way as to keep his overhead, and thus, his prices lower than any other office in the area while maintaining the highest level of service. There is no other office that will let you see online all the appointments available and choose the one you want.  No other office has newsletters, weekly podcasts, blogs, and twitters without obtrusively pushing them on all it's patients.

Go to to schedule an appointment for a free consult or an evaluation and first treatment.  If you mention that you read this offer on my blog, I will provide the exam and the first treatment for the cost normally charged just for a regular office visit.

1 comment:

  1. Chiropractors select the technique which will most effectively correct subluxations with a minimum of force.


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